At Mendocino Wine Company we believe in leaving the world better than we found it.
Certifications held by MWC vineyards and winery:

Regenified is a practice and outcome-based land verification and product certification program that champions regenerative agriculture. Regenified verifies and certifies farms, ranches, and products that restore ecosystems and regenerate soil, ensuring a sustainable legacy for future generations.
California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance
Mendocino Wine Company is a member of the California Sustainable Winegrowing Alliance (CSWA). Certified California Sustainable Winegrowing (CERTIFIED SUSTAINABLE) is a certification program that provides verification by a third-party auditor that a winery or vineyard implements sustainable practices and continuous improvement.
Certified Fish Friendly Farming
Mendocino Wine Co is located in the Russian River watershed, and is adjacent to one of the many Russian River tributaries. We know that what we do in our vineyards can affect the entire ecosystem. The Fish Friendly Farming Environmental Certification Program is run by the California Land Stewardship Institute, a non-profit organization located in Napa County, California.The California Land Stewardship Institute (CLSI) is a charitable (501 c3) non-profit organization dedicated to planning and implementing environmental stewardship, restoration and enhancement programs and projects including scientific studies, promotion of beneficial stewardship practices, and resource conservation activities on private and public lands and waterways. CLSI also supports and supplies marketing and promotion on behalf of certified members of the Fish Friendly Farming Environmental Certification program.

Certified Wildlife Habitat
Mendocino Wine Co’s Estate is a Certified Wildlife Habitat which means that our winery estate and wetlands provide food and water sources, cover, and places for wildlife to raise young. Rather than attempting to control nature through monoculture or aggressive pest management, we look for ways to share space with our neighbors.

Certified Monarch Waystation
Mendocino Wine Co’s Estate provides milkweeds, nectar sources, and shelter needed to sustain monarch butterflies as they migrate through North America.

Edison Green Award – First Carbon Neutral Winery
The Edison Awards™ is an annual competition honoring excellence in new product and service development, marketing, human-centered design, and innovation.

Governor’s Environmental and Economic Leadership Award (GEELA)
The Governor’s Environmental and Economic Leadership Award (GEELA) is California’s highest environmental honor. The award honors individuals, organizations, and businesses that have demonstrated exceptional leadership and made notable, voluntary contributions in conserving California’s precious resources, protecting and enhancing our environment, building public-private partnerships and strengthening the state’s economy.

California Legislature Assembly Resolution
Designated as the first United States winery to achieve carbon-neutral status.

California Sustainable Winegrowing Program
For participating in the Sustainable Winegrowing Program and demonstrating outstanding commitment to the environment, the community, and high-quality grapes and wine.

Eco-Innovation Equalizer Award
Presented by State Board of Equalization Member Fiona Ma. CPA

Climate Action Reserve
For outstanding leadership in addressing climate change through the offset of 480 tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions. The climate reserve tonnes (CRTs) were retired from the Garcia River Forest in Mendocino County, California, whose conservation based forest management project was developed and independently verified to achieve real, additional and permanent greenhouse gas emissions reductions.

Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT)
To help raise awareness of conservation, in 1995, BRIT established an awards program to honor individuals and organizations whose environmental contributions and leadership best reflect BRIT’s core principles of conservation, sustainability, and wise stewardship of the land.

Flex Your Power Award Honoree
Businesses, organizations and public agencies across California are taking steps to save energy and reduce operating costs, and the state would like to recognize this hard work. Flex Your Power is California’s statewide energy efficiency marketing and outreach campaign. The campaign’s primary funding comes from the Public Goods Charge as approved by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), as well as contributing municipalities and partner organizations and companies.

Green Entrepreneur Award
Nominated by Senator Wes Chcabro, Senate District #2. Presented by Safe-Bidco.